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Season 2 : Episode 31 – Walk-Run-Walk

It’s a shorter episode this week after the beast that was 30, and in preparation for the third special, but it’s still packed full of goodness – just like a Chicago style pizza.  Gomer2 tried Jeff Galloway’s Run-Walk-Run for the first time, while Gomer1 tells his tale of a “dress rehearsal run” gone awry.  Oh well, there’s always next time, right?  Plus some Double Down Debrief, the value of an X in Scrabble, whether Rudy really won, and pining for re-hydrated future-food.

Yum, that looks good, old Lea Thompson!
Yum, that looks good, old Lea Thompson!

And all your back-to-the-basics favorites:  Week in Review, Listener Feedback, and two new Songs To Run To.  Happy Running!

This week’s Monday Survery:  What training do you do as a runner, besides running?  Weights?  Cross Training?  Working the ball?  Let us know!


  1. Laura
    Laura May 11, 2010

    I love Tuesdays…new Biggest Loser and new Gomers. 🙂

    Besides running 5 days a week (long run, recovery run, 10k, speed or hill repeats, and Friday half hour run) I do yoga to a 30 minute video 5 mornings a week. I also follow a weight lifting plan I learned from the Biggest Loser website which I paid for a couple of years ago. I change the weights every three months according to their recommendation. But the plan is basically built like this: 4 upper pull, 4 lower body, 6 core, and 4 upper push. 12 reps of each, and repeat the whole shootin’ match twice. It takes about 30 minutes, 3 times a week. It’s a good way to get killer shoulders for the summer.

    My reasoning behind all of this extra work besides running is that it all makes my running form better (weights) and helps prevent injuries (yoga) which I feel more aware of since I am 38 and am well past the age of calling in sick to work because I hurt myself running.

    Loved the sleeping late story this week. You just never feel like you can catch up on a day like that. Kudos to Anthony for going out anyway.

  2. EB
    EB May 11, 2010

    Monday survey answer: Crossfit! And also biking, but mostly because I don’t have a car….

  3. Matt W
    Matt W May 11, 2010

    Hey guys, I’m not seeing the survey question on Facebook like you usually do. Am I just missing it or is it not there yet?

  4. Shannon
    Shannon May 14, 2010

    Monday survey answer: two days a week I do strength training (increasing weight every 6-8 weeks) and also on these days I do anywhere between 30 minutes to 1 hour of cardio, the type of cardio varies: swimming, elliptical, stair climber, adaptive motion trainer, biking. Also do some intense yoga stretching on these days.

  5. Alisha
    Alisha May 14, 2010

    Monday Survey: When I’m not injured, I do kick box dvds or step aerobics (Cathe Friedrich) as my alternate cardio. Jump rope is also fun to do outside as an interval with walking, running, and maybe walking lunges (ouchie my butt.) I do Yoga Today from the their website. Sarah Kline is my favorite instructor. Don’t be fooled, beginning yoga can be a challenge. Never under estimate the intensity of down ward facing dog if you are really pushing to your edge. I always feel like I’m on fire when I do my yoga. It prevents injury, the breathing techniques dramatically improved my cardiovascular performance on runs, and the rest is body weight resistance training. Its very intense (providing you aren’t interrupted.)

  6. John
    John May 14, 2010

    Monday Survey Answer: Three days per week I do core work (regular and reverse crunches on a stability ball and the front plank position.) I then do a push-up workout from the book “7 weeks to 100 pushups.” It is taking me longer – the book increases the last set too fast for me, so I just repeat a week until I can do it. it is not a race…

  7. Haley
    Haley May 17, 2010

    Monday Survey Answer:
    Hey guys, I’m a little late in responding but right now but you should definitely check out Crossfit like EB said. I haven’t been doing it lately as there aren’t any in Paris but I’m super excited to start back up when I get back home. There are 2 in both Flagstaff and St. Petersburg. You can check it out here:
    In Paris I’ve been mostly doing abs, push-ups, pull-ups, back extensions, squats and lunges. I haven’t been doing any cardio cross-training because I don’t have a good pool here but that’s always a good option.

  8. jen d
    jen d May 17, 2010

    Wow. that hydrated pizza does look good.

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