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Month: May 2016

Season 7: The Specials – Two Gomers Then and Now, Gomer Media Confessions, and Secret Emails

Click on this link, or any below, to get to the Two Gomers Store.  Donate and download the Specials! As the Conquer the Capital race approaches (less that one week!) the Gomers have put together a set of amazing Specials for you.  As always, you can go the Two…

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Season 7: Episode 14 – LaCroixntroversy (or: Gomers v. Batman v. Superman)

Steven’s most horrid run. Anthony’s growing weekly mileage.  Near code-browns, hill repeats and numb faces.  Star stuck members of the Gomernation. West Wing Gomer quotes.  La Croix pronunciations.  And quite possibly our most insane movie review ever. Specials drop NEXT week, and they are coming out pretty special indeed.  Have…

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