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Season 6: Episode 11 – Gym Bags and The Middle School Cafeteria Caste System

In this, the 11th episode, the Gomers finally start feeling like they’re hitting their stride in the pool!

Steven’s building some muscle memory.  Anthony is working on his bilateral breathing.  Nose plugs rule.  Ziplock bags do too.  There was a caste system in the Gomers’ Middle School cafeteria.  Anthony was going to be an Eagle Scout but his troop folded.  The Biggest Losers raced a triathlon.  And money clips are better than thick wallets.

Careful George, you could throw your back out.

Monday Survey:  What’s your favorite Winter Olympics event?  And watch for our second special of the season, “Two Gomers Get Their Feet Wet,”  next week!  Happy Running!

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