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Season 5 : Episode 14 – Race in Review (or: Bring a Bag)

The race is over and done, and the guys are on hand to do a full race in review and close up shop on the “Back to the Basics” Season 5.  Join them as they talk overhydration, deep conversations, hitting (or not hitting) the wall, misjudged start times, Parenthood (and 30 Rock and The Office), meeting new members of the Gomernation, hilariously tall half marathon walking teens, juicing, Animal Style fries, and being relieved, for once, that someone ELSE had the biggest Gomer moment of the race.

‘ The guy taking this picture of us and Jules was SO ANNOYED.

And they do it all in one tight 90 minute package.  So enjoy this, the final (and super-sized) episode of Season 5.  Thanks for everything Nation, and Happy Running!

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