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Off Season 2013: Episode 1 – The Rite of Spring

Spring has sprung, and so has a new, off-season episode of Two Gomers Run for Their Lives.  Join the Gomers as they catch up with what’s been happening the past two months.  They talk impromptu races, bassoon solos, new popes, Survivor meltdowns, Biggest Loser meltdowns, Peeps being yucky, running ruts, Magic Erasers, and April resolutions, and teeth-staining beverages.  You know, the regular.

Guess whether this was purchased within the inside of the grocery store, or around the outside. It’s hard!

Happy Spring, nation, and Happy Running!


  1. Angela
    Angela April 14, 2013

    Thanks for the podcast. Can’t wait for the next season! Oh the grocery store aisles- popular topic in health classes. Perimeter also includes ends of aisles (think of cereal on ends vs middle of aisle- granola, Kashi, etc. on ends, Lucky Charms in the middle. Also peanut butter on end vs ketchup in middle).

  2. Laura 523
    Laura 523 April 24, 2013

    Gomers, the Cinnamon Challenge is discussed in the NYTimes today!

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