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Season 7: Episode 9 – Drawbridges

In this, the 9th Episode of Two Gomers Conquer the Capital, the guys talk about how they are gearing up for the upcoming race (s), and discuss injuries, travel, and drawbridges. Plus peeps are yucky, Facebook reactions, old-people-getting-their-second-lease-on-life movies, upside-down-Apple logos, and yes: Cheers Chaaaaaaat!

The original two Gomers?

See you in a couple weeks!  Happy Running!

One Comment

  1. Bonnie
    Bonnie April 6, 2016

    You guys kept me company (Listened to episodes 1-5, plus the current season) during my training for the past 3 months in preparation for my first half-marathon. The race was this past Sunday and I had a couple of season 5 episodes saved and ready to play. The weather was horrific however (Syracuse NY) and my phone died around mile 6. So I had to finish up the race without you! All of your tips were great and despite the weather, the race went well – finished in 2 hours 16 minutes. Thanks for being there on my journey! Looking forward to hearing Season 6 (and the off season stuff leading up to it). Keep up the good work!

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