Sometimes it feels like a numbers game – there’s a lot we want to change about our lives as we chase health in middle age, but how many things should we be taking on at a the same time? 10? 20? 30? 1000? We seek out what experts are saying…
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On the Two Gomers Podcast we talk a lot about how our phones suck up our energy, time, and attention, and how that’s bad for middle age health journey. So why it so hard to just stop looking at it so much? Because nature abhors a vacuum – you have…
Leave a CommentWe all have full schedules, plenty of commitments, and busy lives. On this episode we’re facing what happens when our schedules are TOO full, we are OVERcommitted, and the pace of our busy lives starts to have negative effects on ourselves and the people we care about. Taking a cue…
Leave a CommentSomething new on the podcast: Fifth Fridays! When a month has five Fridays, it’s an unlock party! We release an episode from the GomerVault on our Patreon feed, and here on the Main Feed we release a classic Patreon ep from behind the paywall. And is there a more classic…
Leave a CommentNote: You can listen to this episode any time, but it is specifically made to listen to while running a 5k! To celebrate our Fifth Annual Two Gomers Memorial Day Weekend “Hey How’s It Going” Virtual 5k and 10k we’re releasing another Race Audio Guide! So suit up, get out…
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