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Block 25: Running is Boring

We tackle a block we hear all the time…and decide whether it’s true and whether that’s a bad thing. Plus, can anyone help us figure out how to connect our headphones to our Apple Watches? We sincerely doubt it. Embrace the Boring! Happy Running!

Our annual Gomer Christmas Party is coming up on Monday, December 13 – become a Patreon subscriber for an invite, and get access to our second podcast, the Bonus Disc, for additional episodes each week including Perfect Movie.

Tell us your Runner’s Block and follow us on our social media at

Call us on the GomerPhone and leave us a one-minute message about your Runner’s Block at 608-NBA-PONY (608-622-7669) 


  1. Mary Swift
    Mary Swift November 28, 2021

    Thanks for the great ep! I definitely struggle with running boredom and found your key takeaway (embrace it!) to be quite profound!

    You mentioned you’d post your YouTube strength training channel on the ep notes. Could you post that somewhere? I’m following along with your training plan!

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