Auto-tuning! 8-part vocal/bassoon harmony! Sub sandwiches! It’s the Two Gomers Run a Marathon: The Sub-Five Strive Jingle! Enjoy this 1rst (and probably only) cut, and Happy Running!
1 CommentCategory: Announcement
Your instructions: 1. Head over to the new feed on iTunes: Two Gomers Run a Marathon: The Sub-Five Strive. 2. Download all content. 3. Please leave us a review. 4. Enjoy Episode 3, and the rest of the season! Happy Running!
Leave a CommentJust a quick reminder to join us in one week, July 24th, for our 1st Annual “How’s It Goin’” Gomer 5k Group Run! If you can make it, please head over to our Facebook event RIGHT NOW and let us know! All the details are there, so click here ASAP…